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Friday, 18 December 2020

Wings - Part XII

Unfortunately the fuel sender flanges that were welded in the tanks are in the incorrect orientation... unless you was to measure fuel quantity when going vertical...

New flanges have been ordered and should be here any day.....

So I have moved onto the flap and aileron coves.  They have all been fitted, so next step is bonding.

Big shout out to Kyle for explaining what he did...

I needed to etch and alodyne the skins, and I figured I would take the opportunity to do the struts while I am at it.  The goal for the struts was to fully clean and protect the INTERIOR.... so I made a big trough...

It is 98.5 inches long.... 1.5 inches longer than the strut.  I bought a roll of poly from Home Depot and layed it in to hold the chemicals.  Prior to this, I put some Alumiprep in some poly in the shop and let it sit for a week.  No signs of deterioration...

Before and after

So with all the coves and doublers ready, I full assembled everything.... and then took it apart in order and laid everything out for rapid assembly when bonding the skins.

Order of operation:
  1. Put adhesive on top skin
  2. Lay down doubler
  3. Put adhesive on doubler
  4. Lay down cove skin
  5. Cleco bottom edge (which is up in the pic)
  6. Cleco inside coves
  7. Put down aluminum angle
  8. Cleco aluminum angle through cove, doubler, skin, and 2nd doubler (makes a big sandwich)
  9. Clamp the whole thing together...

The finished result...

Now to fit the flap and check clearance...

Overall I am pretty happy.  They are not perfect, but are pretty good.

Onto the 2nd wing.... hopefully the flanges arrive and I can get the tanks welded, then install.

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