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Tuesday, 9 August 2022


 The first builder that started the fuselage bonded the strakes on.  This involves bonding in the foam ribs, and the two halves of the strake, and then fitting the assembly to the fuselage.  My engine is inbound, so my goal is to finish up all of the messy / dusty stuff before it arrives if possible.

This picture is the strakes as they were when I bought the fuselage, but with a quick sand.

First layer of filler.  Just trying to fill the low spots.

Second later of filler.  Working on build the profile, plus the transition.

Third layer:  High build primer.  This way I can see what I have missed and refine the transition and any low spots.

Primer sanded...

2nd layer of high build

Multiple small imperfections still exist.  Putting this aside for now.  90 to 95% done.

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