The wings are moving along.
All of the components have been deburred, dimpled, and primed... the grand disassembly event. There are ~1700 counter sinks in the spars. More than that of dimples. Must be over 5000 holes to debur. Took WEEKS (or at least if felt like it did) to get everything done. An then there is all of the cleaning, Alodyning, priming, etc.
Aileron Hinges
There are a LOT of pieces and holes to be drilled in these suckers...
7 pieces per hinge...
The manual says to build all the hinges, flap tracks, bell cranks, etc and then corrosion proof everything at once. I can see parts getting misplaced, so I am doing everything in batches. Clean, Alodyne, Prime, move on to the next.
Next is riveting the aileron hinges, and the bell cranks (not pictured here). I am going to anodize the flap tracks, and clean up the edges similar to what Ted Setzer has done on his 'SuperStars'. Pictures to come in the near future.
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