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Thursday, 22 December 2022


Progress is being made... albeit slowly.

The wiring on the 'Longnose' Sportsman is pretty much done.  The last bits remaining:

  1. Wire fuel pumps from the switch to the pumps.
  2. Alternate air switch / panel indicator
  3. EarthX battery fault wires
  4. UL regulator to main bus
And thats pretty much it.  Everything else is installed, wired an functions as expected.

I have the next 1.5 weeks on vacation, and have a few goals to accomplish:

  1. Clean up the rats nest of wiring.  OK, its not THAT bad, but needs some TLC
  2. Finish the last of the firewall penetrations and determine routing for the prop controller to prop cable, EGT's/CHT's, cabin heat cable, fuel injection return, boost controller lines, and thats about it (as if that's not enough LOL).
  3. Pull the engine and put it back in the crate
  4. Drill the 'real' firewall
  5. Rivet the flanges on the real firewall
  6. Adhere the firewall blanket
  7. Install the firewall and rivet it in place.
  8. Rehang all the firewall components (regulator, coils, fuel pumps, relays, batteries, etc)
  9. Reinstall the engine
Is all that doable?  Maybe - we will see.  I think I can get 1 through 7 done before January 2nd, maybe more.  But you have to have goals, right?

IF I can get all of the above done, then its onto engine / firewall forward 'stuff':
  1. Oil cooler mount and lines
  2. Oil cooler opening in the front of the cowl
  3. Intercooler mounting
  4. Ducting for the intercooler
  5. Air intake and filter mounting / plumbing
  6. Alternate air inlet
  7. Finish the exit air ramp on bottom of cowl
  8. Cowl 'finishing'
  9. Cowl fasteners
  10. Windows (front, top deck, doors (x3), fuselage) - the front window will be last (and probably just temp bonded until after first engine run)
  11. Brake lines from park brake valve to calipers
  12. Throttle and engine throttle (capture) bracket
Once all that is done, its off to the airport.  Hoping for mid 2023, then its onto final wing integration (wiring, fuel lines, hatch covers, wing tips, lights) and final wiring, etc for the tail.

80% done, 80% to go.  Will be finished on Tuesday.  Just not saying which Tuesday... 

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