The whole purpose in folding the wings (and getting the folding mechanism complete) is to get teh fuel lines from the wing tanks to the pillar header.
Installed the fittings in the wing tanks last night. For some reason I have had this block... Did not want to cut the fuselage, and just wasnt sure how it would all go together. Well after really looking at it, its pretty simple.
My only complication is I need to tie the header vents into the wing vents. I hope this does not bite me in the ass (it WON'T - being positive... it WILL do the job).
Port side cut last night. Need help on the weekend to fold the wings and check clearance. I measured everything, so it should be fine. No, it WILL be fine :-)
Port side fuel and vent connected temporarily. No clamps yet. Used a T just above the pillar header to connect the header tank vent. Next is to swing the wing and see what happens. Fingers crossed.
Well, had to remake all the fuel lines... they were all to short when unfolding the wings. Finally got them right. Working in the space above the header tank is a royal pain in the ass. The left side is all clamped, still need to do the right side. Waiting for a TEE fitting which will arrive on Tuesday.
Port side done...
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