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Saturday 29 October 2022

Propellor (Propeller?)

Potatoe, Patatoe.... Propellor, Propeller?

If you search Airmaster propeller, you will find their website -

But Merriam Webster says its spelt PROPELLER, not OR.  Oh well, must be a downunder thing.

I received my BEAUTIFUL 4 blade Airmaster prop in September.  I have been busy on the cowl (and getting covid), so other than making sure I had all the bits I haven't touched it.

This is what it will look like when its done... hopefully.  (Picture is of Tracy Ross's awesome UL 520T powered Sportsman).

2 blades per box (blades are Sensinch).  Spinner, hub, controller and wiring in the other.

Spinner and hub (assembled, and bolted to the transport board).  Wont take this apart until I need it.

2 of the 4 blades.  Overall prop diameter is 74".

Wiring.  All plug and play.

Prop controller in the panel temporarily to check for any fitment issues.

In August I had a chance to go for a flight with Tracy.  Overall the prop / engine combo is super smooth.  The prop controller has lights at the top that tells you what its doing.

  • The prop controller has 4 'modes':  Take Off, Climb, Cruise and Feather.  The first 3 have target RPM's that are set.  In Tracy's case, take off is set for 2650 RPM, and cruise is 2500.  Not sure what he has Climb set to.
  • During runup he flipped the switch from auto to manual, and cycled the prop.  There is a manual couse / fine switch. I am going to have to build a bracket and mount it under the throttle.
  • All in all, the prop and its operation was very anticlimactic.  It just worked.
From a fitment perspective, the spinner lines up with the forward face of the engine crank flange, so that is where I have it set.  Visually inspecting the spinner, that is spot on.

Hopefully it all fits.  I am going to have to reprofile the cowl to line up correctly with the spinner due to its larger diameter.

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